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Because your voice matters.


East Kootenay Collaborative Services Committee

We have two PVN patient partner opportunities at our CSC table. The EK CSC is a collaborative table with Interior Health, Ktunaxa Nation and the EK Division of Family Practice focusing on health care services that intersect primary care within the EK.


Commitment: Long-term

Connection method: Virtual

Open to Interior Region

Last updated

EKRH MRI Access and Efficiency; Cranbrook BC- The purpose of this project is to improve access to MRI services at EKRH.

This project aims to increase access to the MRI scanner at EKRH. In doing this we must be very thoughtful not to compromise patient care while maintaining appropriate workload balance for the staff and radiologists. We must consider various factors such as current access, wait-times, reporting turn around times, environmentally…


Commitment: Short-term

Connection method: In-person

Open to Interior Region

Last updated

Patient Advisor with Previous C-section or Vaginal Delivery Needed

Have you had a C-section or Vaginal Delivery? Health Areas Health Services and Policy, Social Determinants of Health, Other Health Systems and Technology, Postpartum Care, Postpartum DepressionMore Opportunity Purpose Researchers at UBC would like to better understand the long-term costs of c-sections and vaginal deliveries to the health…


Open to Interior Region, Northern Region

Last updated

Creating Art about Your Experiences with Healthcare

Summerland: Share Healthcare Experiences via Art Health Areas Coronary Artery Disease , Heart Attack, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Blood PressureMore Study Purpose The purpose of Embodied Books is to investigate how creating and reading artists’ books (fine art that takes the form of a book) can help…


Open to Interior Region

Last updated

Improving Care for Patients with PASC

Post Acute Sequelae Covid (PASC)- Interior Health Health Areas Positively diagnosed COVID-19 patients Opportunity Purpose Post Acute Sequalae Covid (PASC) symptoms can be physical, cognitive and/or social/emotional in nature requiring psychological, social and medical care, support and education. The purpose of this research is to consider the…


Open to Interior Region
