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The Royal Inland Hospital has created a new checklist for patients to review prior to their total shoulder surgery. The goal of the checklist is to prepare patients for an efficient discharge and review some of the most important reasons why patients may face challenges in being discharged. The key…
Interior Health is looking to add five patient partners/public members to its Person- and Family-Centred Care Steering Committee. With input from both public members and IH leaders, the Interior Health Person- and Family-Centred Care (PFCC) Steering Committee provides strategic direction to Interior Health around the goals, principles, policies and priorities…
The Patient Advisory Committee and Community (PACC) works with the Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice, Interior Health and other health care partners to contribute to real and constructive change in the region. The goal of the PACC is to strengthen patient and family engagement in the Kootenay Boundary region,…
Interior Health is looking for patient partners to take part in creating posters that share information on the importance of civility (kindness and respect) in health care settings. On this project: – Patient partners will collaborate on posters that share information on how patients and family members play a…
This document was revised to update to more inclusive language, improve readability/understanding in completing the document and allow for authorization for a birth parent to discharge a child into the care of a relative or family member in adoption cases (informal) where an adoption agency or the Ministry of Social…
Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) is a global quality program that helps health care facilities create welcoming spaces for families and supports breastfeeding and infant feeding. Penticton Health Center and Penticton Regional Hospital have recently become BFI accredited facilities. There is an ongoing committee that meets every other month to review…
Interior Health’s Critical Care Network is responsible for leading, coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and improving the quality and promoting consistency, sustainability and standardization of all critical care services within the geographic boundaries of Interior Health. The network invites patient and family partners to meet regularly with representatives from Interior Health to…
Physicians in Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and Kamloops are collaborating to host a regional Civility Matters tour for all hospital staff, to highlight the importance of civil behavior and the impacts it can have on workplace wellbeing and patient safety. Our planning committee is interested in having a poster campaign…
Interior Health is seeking an additional Public Member to join the Quality Management Committee which typically meets monthly on a Wednesday morning. The QMC is a senior committee focused on ensuring that the patient’s voice is heard when strategic decisions are made regarding patient safety and quality of care…
Do you want to help evaluate and improve the quality of care for patients with brain injury (BI) throughout the Interior? The Trauma Services Network , is looking for a person with lived experience (including family and caregivers) to work with the BI Community Integration Advisory council to identify and…
Health Quality BC administers the Patient Voices Network. Using evidence-informed strategies, the Council shifts culture, improves clinical practice and advances person- and family-centred care to support high-quality care for every person in our province.