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Because your voice matters.


Patient Experience Week: A Provider Perspective

Our third guest blog post for Patient Experience Week is from Colleen Kennedy, who interviewed  social worker Brenda Goossen. Brenda shared her reasons for joining "What Matters to You?" Day and her perspective as a provider on the patient experience.

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It’s Patient Experience Week!

April 24-28 is Patient Experience Week, an annual week of recognition to celebrate the impact of health care staff on the patient experience. To mark the occasion, we'll be sharing guest blog posts from patients, a caregiver, and a health care provider that illustrate the value of person-centred, compassionate care.

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Our First Annual Report Is Here: Check It Out!

2016 was a big year for PVN: we grew our membership significantly; engaged 428 patient partners in over 200 engagement opportunities; rebranded with a fresh, new look; and created new online resources to connect with members and the public at large. We launched our 2016 Annual Report at the Quality Forum…

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Watch Quality Forum 2017 Live on Facebook!

We’re thrilled to say that this year, for the very first time, the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council (BCPSQC) will be broadcasting Health Talks, the Quality Awards ceremony, and the Quality Forum’s plenary sessions on Facebook Live during Quality Forum 2017! The events will be available to those who…

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There Will Be PVN Patient Partners at Quality Forum 2017 – Here’s What They’re Looking Forward To!

Quality Forum 2017 is taking place on March 1-3 in Vancouver, and we’re excited with the fact that there will be many PVN Patient Partners participating! It will be a great learning and networking opportunity, and we’re looking forward to connecting with everyone at the event. We were curious about what those 20 patients are looking forward to, so we interviewed two of them – check out what they said!

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We’re Engaging Younger Patient Partners! Here’s How

A key priority for PVN is to diversify our network to better reflect the population in BC. We’ve been working to recruit people with specific health experiences, youth and men, as well as populations of varying social and cultural backgrounds. In this post, our engagement leader Carol Stathers tells us more about PVN’s initiatives to engage youth:

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From Our Community

Christine Wallsworth

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Christine Wallsworth

Patient and family partners should not be a check box on research proposals! They need to be involved right from the start. I know patient and family partners are doing their part by providing their knowledge to researchers from their lived experience.  It’s a win-win for us to work together through PVN to make sure our input drives improvements.