Health care organizations value patient partner input to improve quality of care. Over the past decade, PVN has seen a dramatic increase in opportunities from health care organizations seeking this valuable perspective.
From committees to quality improvement projects, and everything in between, engagements are led by health care partners and promoted by PVN.
Please read the full opportunity for details. If you want to RSVP, use the blue button in the opportunity to apply now. Please see the sample RSVP form.
If you are a health care partner seeking patient partners, fill out the Engagement Request Form (ERF) and sample ERF.
8 Opportunities
Feedback on Concussion Information Handout
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Short-term
Connection method: Virtual
Open to Northern Region
PressureSmart Project: Co-Designing Technology for Pressure Injury Prevention and Healing
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Long-term
Connection method: Virtual
Open to National Region
On Demand STI Testing in Cranbrook
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Short-term
Connection method: Hybrid
Open to Interior Region
Facilitating a Transition to Adult Care Workshop (Virtual) for Patients and Families, St. Paul’s Hospital, Providence Health Care
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Long-term
Connection method: Virtual
Open to Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland
Interviewee, Enhancing BC Institute of Technology (BCIT) Student Nurses Communication & Interview Skills
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Short-term
Open to Fraser – Vancouver Coastal
Last updated
Member, Kootenay Boundary Patient Advisory Committee (PACC Committee)
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Long-term
Open to Interior Region
Last updated
2025 BC Rural Health Awards: Call for Nominations
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Short-term
Connection method: Virtual
Open to Provincial Region
Seeking Patient and Family Carers to Share Their Knowledge with UBC’s Families as Partners in Care Club’s Social Media
Deadline: Apply by
Commitment: Short-term
Connection method: Virtual
Open to Provincial Region
Last updated