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Because your voice matters.

2021 Newsletters

Check out the newsletters we sent in 2021:

December 22: Happy Holidays | New Oversight & Advisory Committee Chairs | Award-Winning Patient Partners

November 30: We’ve Launched Three – Yes, Three! – New Resources!

October 28: Who Knows? Essential Care Partners Do

September 29: Learning to Lean into the Uncomfortable: A Patient Partner’s “Unconference” Experience

August 25: How Did a Patient Partner Help Improve Medical Imaging in Kelowna? We’ve Got the Story

July 23: #HelloMyNameIs | Quality Forum Engagement Opportunities | A Tribute to Bill Blackwater Jr.

June 30: Cultural Safety in Patient Engagement | Patient Partner Stories

June 9: It’s International “What Matters to You?” Day!

May 20: Help Us Celebrate International “What Matters to You?” Day 2021!

April 19: We’re Celebrating National Volunteer Week!

March 31: Patient Partners Changing Health Care for the Better

February 24: Welcome to Our New Website!

January 29: Register for Quality Forum 2021!

From Our Community

Shannon Griffin

Leader, Patient and Family Centred Care in Fraser Health

Shannon Griffin

Recently, a PVN Patient Advisor asked healthcare partners, “What are we learning from patients, families, and others thus far during this pandemic?”. This is an excellent question and one to ask ourselves daily.