Check out the newsletters we sent in 2016:
December 28: End-of-Year Reflections and a Thank You Note
December 9: Quality Forum 2017 | New Blog Post | What Matters to You?
November 18: The Results Are In! The New Name for This Newsletter Is…
November 3: This Newsletter Needs a Name | Coffee Chat Recap | PVN Patient Partner Wins Award
October 7: Check Out PVN’s New Online Home!
September 15: You Spoke, We Listened: Get a Copy of Your RSVP Information
September 1: The PVN Networking Coffee Was a Blast
August 12: Thanks for Your Feedback! Here’s What We Heard
July 21: Take a Look at Our New Resources!
July 8: “The Big 5” Priorities for Health Care in BC
June 17: PVN in the News
June 3: New! Nominate a Patient, Caregiver or Family Member for a Quality Award!
May 19: Discovering Engagement Opportunities Just Became Easier!
May 2: Our New Look & RSVP Process, Plus Minutes from the First Committee Meeting
April 15: It’s National Volunteer Week!
April 8: Meet the Oversight & Advisory Committee!
March 10: Engagement Opportunities, Oversight & Advisory Committee, Resources, and More
February 12: An Update on Our Recent Activities
January 8: Our First Update of 2016