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Because your voice matters.

2016 Newsletters

Check out the newsletters we sent in 2016:

December 28: End-of-Year Reflections and a Thank You Note

December 9: Quality Forum 2017 | New Blog Post | What Matters to You?

November 18: The Results Are In! The New Name for This Newsletter Is…

November 3: This Newsletter Needs a Name | Coffee Chat Recap | PVN Patient Partner Wins Award

October 7: Check Out PVN’s New Online Home!

September 15: You Spoke, We Listened: Get a Copy of Your RSVP Information

September 1: The PVN Networking Coffee Was a Blast

August 12: Thanks for Your Feedback! Here’s What We Heard

July 21: Take a Look at Our New Resources!

July 8:  “The Big 5” Priorities for Health Care in BC

June 17: PVN in the News

June 3: New! Nominate a Patient, Caregiver or Family Member for a Quality Award!

May 19: Discovering Engagement Opportunities Just Became Easier!

May 2: Our New Look & RSVP Process, Plus Minutes from the First Committee Meeting

April 15: It’s National Volunteer Week!

April 8: Meet the Oversight & Advisory Committee!

March 10: Engagement Opportunities, Oversight & Advisory Committee, Resources, and More

February 12: An Update on Our Recent Activities

January 8: Our First Update of 2016

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!