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Because your voice matters.

2020 Newsletters

Check out the newsletters we sent in 2020:

December 24: Happy Holidays! 

December 16: Sign up for Connections Café

December 7: Working Together for Better Health Care

September 18: September Theme: Learn and Grow

August 20: The Evolution of Patient Engagement

July 23: Working Together in These Challenging Times

June 30: Including the Voices of All British Columbians in Health Care Improvement

June 9: Today is International “What Matters to You?” Day!

May 29: Working Together to Improve Health Care

May 15: May Theme: Working Together to Improve Health Care

May 1: Patient Engagement in the Age of COVID-19

April 24: Let’s Get Zooming / Staying Well in Uncertain Times

April 16: April Theme: Patient Engagement in the Age of COVID-19

March 26: What Matters the Most to You in the Coming Days, Weeks and Months?

March 12: The Updated BC Health Quality Matrix is Here – See What’s New!

February 24: Watch Quality Forum 2020 Live this Week!

February 13: Patient Engagement in BC Is Evolving and so Is Our Team!

January 30: We’re Celebrating a Decade of PVN in 2020! 

January 16: Meet Our New Oversight & Advisory Committee Patient Partner Representatives!

From Our Community

Karla Warkotsch

Patient Experience Consultant – Interior Health

Karla Warkotsch

The question I like to ask health care employees is ‘Who is this for?’ and ‘Do we have the right people at the table?’ As a health care employee, I see how easy it is to fall into doing for, rather than doing with patients. The voices of the patient, family and caregiver are essential to ensure the patient is central to the direction and focus of the work being done.