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Because your voice matters.

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Keep up with the latest news in our Patient Voice Mail newsletter. In the newsletter, you’ll find announcements about the network, success stories about partners and the projects they work on, links to resources and patient engagement articles, and event listings. See some of our previous newsletters here.

The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council will collect personal information via Word Press under section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of operating the Patient Voices Network. If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information please contact: Tammy Hoefer, Director of Patient and Public Engagement, at 1.877.282.1919.

From Our Community

Karla Warkotsch

Patient Experience Consultant – Interior Health

Karla Warkotsch

The question I like to ask health care employees is ‘Who is this for?’ and ‘Do we have the right people at the table?’ As a health care employee, I see how easy it is to fall into doing for, rather than doing with patients. The voices of the patient, family and caregiver are essential to ensure the patient is central to the direction and focus of the work being done.