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Because your voice matters.

Regional Round-Up – May 29


Categories: Patient Voice Mail

As we continue to put you in touch with what’s happening at PVN, when there is new or interesting information to share from a region, we will include a brief paragraph about it here. This may vary from week to week. Please submit any ideas you have from your region to your local Engagement Leader.

In our efforts to acknowledge PVN’s milestone 10th Anniversary we invite you to include the 10th-anniversary sticker to your email signature line. Just cut and paste the button below into your email. It’s that simple. Thank you for your continued dedication to improving health care in BC!



Fraser – Vancouver Coastal

In partnership with health authorities, as well as other organizations, our shared goal is to seek ways to work more effectively together, making patient engagement the easy choice. We recognize that a number of our patient partners travel to health care services across both regions and participate in engagement opportunities that cross health authority boundaries. We are exploring how to make this involvement as seamless as possible in the Fraser-Vancouver Coastal regions. Stay tuned for more details on how we plan to continue to build these partnerships.


Since the creation of their Patient- and Family-Centred Care Core Working Group in 2010 Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) has successfully engaged patient partners on many topics over the years including those with hearing impairments, sight loss, and patient quality issues related to the LGBTQ community.
Now, their cultural transformation group is looking at staff professionalism. They want to hear from patient partners on topics related to staff professionalism and corresponding patient expectations of hospital staff (e.g. introductions when entering patient rooms, general interactions with patients/families, professional dress). KGH recognizes that patients have valuable perspectives through the care they receive and their feedback matters! Learn more about this opportunity here.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Lucie Neliba

Patient Partner, Surrey

Lucie Neliba

The Patient Voices Network has connected me to a community with the same drive to bring person- and family-centred care to the forefront. I am grateful for all opportunities I have been a part of thanks to PVN, which positively impacts patients like my sister and their caregivers. No matter how small, all patient engagement will help shape the future of health care and that I can stand behind