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Because your voice matters.

Regional Round-Up – May 14

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Categories: Patient Voice Mail

A region-by-region look at patient engagement activities, new or interesting information or what’s happening at PVN. Please submit any ideas you have from your region to your local Engagement Leader.


Fifty-seven patient and health care partners around the province participated in our engagement opportunity where Laura Parmar, a physician quality improvement coach with Northern Health collaborated with the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, which administers PVN. Laura delivered an interactive session for patient partners to use Zoom, a video conferencing platform, for doctor’s appointments. Beginners were given an opportunity to experience an online meeting with the session being recorded. Due to the success of this opportunity, we are currently looking for ways to provide more useful engagement opportunities

Fraser – Vancouver Coastal

Vancouver Coastal Health’s Community Engagement Advisory Network (CEAN) recently conducted a survey with its members to talk about what was important to them during COVID-19. You can read about it here.
We continue to see patient engagement activity in the Lower Mainland/Fraser area working towards the new normal by providing virtual meeting options, conducting surveys and seeking advice on how to improve patient partner involvement.

Island Health

Since March, Island Health has been focused on providing the public with updates on operations, policies and guidelines related to COVID-19. We are now re-engaging with patient partners, starting with a recent conversation between Patient Advisory Council members, patient partners and two members of the executive team about immediate priorities that have emerged as Island Health responded to COVID-19.
We will be expanding our focus to engage patients and families in virtual meetings, quality councils, document reviews, and more. We also look forward to partnering with patients to create a ‘new way forward’ for patient engagement in Island Health to support the challenges and opportunities of living with COVID-19 in our communities.

Northern Health

As a result of COVID-19, Northern Health is responding with opportunities to collect patient feedback and moving patient engagement forward in a virtual world through working group collaborations, radio interviews and document co-design and reviews.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Layton Engwer

Patient Partner, Sooke

Layton Engwer

PVN helped empower me to make meaningful contributions to Primary Care (PC) locally and provincially.  It also facilitated creation of PC Patient Voices which is focused on PC and provides education support and building on shared experiences.