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In this blog post, patient partner Edwina Nearhood, a "What Matters to You?" Ambassador, discusses why the initiative resonates with her personally, how she got involved last year, and how she plans to keep the momentum going in 2018!
We’d like to give a warm second welcome to health care partner Kate McNamee, who is now the permanent Leader for Care Experience at Providence Health Care. In this blog piece, we say goodbye to Sara and connect with Kate to hear more about the role, as well as the organization’s partnership with PVN.
We recently welcomed a new face to the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council. Say hello to Teresa Bissenden, who has joined the Council as the Director of Patient & Public Engagement – the team which supports PVN!
Health Quality BC administers the Patient Voices Network. Using evidence-informed strategies, the Council shifts culture, improves clinical practice and advances person- and family-centred care to support high-quality care for every person in our province.