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Quality Forum 2018 is only days away and the two main days have sold out. But even if you aren’t able to attend the Forum in person, there’s no need for you to miss out on all the fun. We will be streaming breakouts, plenaries, the debate and Health Talks live on Facebook!
We are dedicated to bringing a range of voices to health care planning discussions. Including individuals of all ages will ensure that BC’s health care system reflects the needs of BC’s communities. Carol Stathers, Engagement Leader for the Interior region, shares how she partnered with two nursing students to encourage engagement among young adults.
You may have noticed a number of new opportunities in the Interior region on our Engagement Opportunities page. We have seven different opportunities across the Interior aimed at putting more focus on patient-and family-centred care.
Health Quality BC administers the Patient Voices Network. Using evidence-informed strategies, the Council shifts culture, improves clinical practice and advances person- and family-centred care to support high-quality care for every person in our province.