Chronic Pain, Anger and Grief

Stay tuned – more details and registration information for this webinar coming soon!


Patient Engagement in Medication Safety

This webinar is part of "Safe Medication – Think Global, Act Local," a global webinar series designed and facilitated by patient partners.

Unsafe medication is a leading cause of harm, most of it preventable, in health care systems across the world. The aim of this webinar is to arm participants with increased understanding and at least one practical idea and/or resource to advance safe medication.


Quality Café: Create a Foolproof Communications Strategy in 30 Minutes

It’s a common problem: you know you have an incredible service, event or program, but it just isn’t getting the engagement it deserves. You’re using all the usual methods of communication and amplifying your message, but the right people aren’t getting connected. You’re turning the volume up but no one is listening. It’s time to […]


Grief and the Many Losses of Caregiving

In this webinar, participants will explore topics including grieving an expected loss, grieving the loss of the caregiver role, managing situations that trigger grief, understanding how grief can vary among family members, dealing with clumsy advice and finding a way forward. Participants will be introduced to two free online resources developed by the Canadian Virtual Hospice that can be accessed 24/7 from the comfort of one’s own home.


Patients Interested in Research (PIiR) Group Launch

The BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre is launching a Patients Interested in Research (PIiR) group to support innovation, quality and impact of health research in the Fraser region. Patients, members of the public with experience of, or interest in, the health care system or a health issue, and family or friend caregivers, are invited to attend the launch via online video conference/teleconference. This inaugural meeting will help shape the direction of the group. In addition, the event will include information about patient-oriented research and associated opportunities.


Informed Decision Making for Caregivers

Making an informed decision is something that everyone faces at one point or another. As a family caregiver, you may be asked by someone you care for to help them make an important decision about their treatment or living situation, you might have to make your own decisions about how to best support the person […]


Quality Café: Inside the Quality Forum

If you can't make it to Quality Forum 2018, don't worry! This month's Quality Café will give you a peek inside the Forum so you can engage with it wherever you are. Stay tuned – more details to come! Click here to join this webinar on Wednesday, February 21 at 1200 PT. The password to join this Quality […]


Webinar: Chronic Pain – Managing Without Opioids

Treatment of chronic pain requires “multimodal analgesia,” a management plan that often requires pharmacological as well as non-drug therapies, and very importantly large measures of clinician-guided patient self-management. This webinar will address the role and value of opioids, non-drug options and non-opioid drugs in managing chronic pain.


Workplace Safety and Prescribed Medications in Chronic Pain Patients

Assisting workers in achieving a safe and sustainable return to work after illness or injury has always been an appropriate goal of treatment. However, North American workplaces are increasingly challenged with how to address prescription and over-the-counter medication use by employees. This webinar will address different perspectives on safe workplace placement for patients with chronic pain who are using prescribed drugs.


Patient Behaviour Change: Building Blocks for Success

If only the patient would take the prescribed medication, eat nutritious foods, lose weight, quit smoking – the list is lengthy. Many health problems, including some chronic diseases, result from intractable human behaviour. Rather than blame patient non-compliance, however, health care providers have come to recognize behaviour change as a complex challenge that involves not just the patient, but also clinicians and communities.

In this free, live web event from NEJM Catalyst, you’ll learn techniques for effective behaviour change, what changes are achievable for better health, and which barriers to target. Conversations about behaviour change begin with the principle that clinicians should not assume they know how to incorporate patients’ values into medical decisions. Behavioural science has yielded insights into how to increase the likelihood of sustained health – and why some changes are extremely difficult.
