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Because your voice matters.

Patient Partner Compensation: An Update

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You may remember that starting in December 2018 and through January 2019, the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council conducted a provincial engagement with us to gather the members’ views on patient partner compensation. We’re excited to announce that there was terrific participation from patient and health care partners across the province and we are happy to share some of the high-level initial results!

The first phase of the engagement was an electronic survey sent to our patient and health care partners in December. Following the survey, the second phase enabled participants to give feedback through interviews, focus groups and provincial webinars.

During the interviews, focus groups and webinars, participants also shared other important topics and areas for growth within PVN. We wanted to ensure that the ideas were captured and shared with the wider network, so we have compiled the ideas into the following themes:

These themes and the individual ideas and concerns that were shared are important to us and will be brought to the Council’s Patient & Public Engagement Team, as well as to our Oversight & Advisory Committee, for further discussion on moving them forward.

We wish to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in the patient partner compensation engagement! As you can imagine, there was a lot of data collected and we’re busy drafting the report. Stay tuned, as it will be shared with you as soon as possible!

From Our Community

Lisa Dyck

Former Manager, BC Emergency Medicine Network

Lisa Dyck

PVN patient partner’s feedback has reinforced the important relationships between patients and providers for emergency care. Our partnership with PVN has brought many new opportunities to adjust how health care and patient partners can work together on BC Emergency Medicine Network priorities.