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Because your voice matters.

PVN Resource Round-up


Whether you’re new to PVN or a seasoned veteran, it’s helpful to know where you can find all of our most popular resources and what they will help you do. Of course, this only scratches the surface of all the material we have available but consider this a crash course to get you started. Without further ado, here’s our top 5!

  1. IAP2 Spectrum

Each of the engagement opportunities that PVN supports falls under the Spectrum of Public Participation by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). Depending on which category the engagement is in, patient partners will be able to tell the goal of the engagement, what is promised to them by the health care partner, and some examples of what they may be asked to work on. IAP2 has also developed a great list of principles for authentic engagement.

Use this resource to find out more about the types of engagement and where you’d feel most comfortable contributing as a patient partner or what kind of role you see for a patient partner if you’re a health care professional.

  1. Demystifying Patient Engagement

We’ve compiled some of the best and brightest resources to guide you along the path of authentic patient engagement. By no means is this an exhaustive list of resources or tips; rather, it’s a small representation of the wealth of information out there to assist you in your efforts.

Use this resource to find tips for preparing your patient engagement team, authentic engagement principles, and working with under-served populations.

  1. Tips for Effective Communication

Effective partnerships start with getting to know each other and working together to leverage experiences and abilities. These tips help create a comfortable environment with shared understanding and communication.

Use this resource if you’re new to patient engagement or if you’d like to improve on your facilitation or presentation skills.

  1. Improvement 101 Learning Series

This is a great series of webinar recordings for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the language, methods, processes, tools and techniques used by health care teams as they make system improvements.

Use this resource if you’d like a better systems-level understanding of the health care system and to understand the environment that health care partners work within when engaging patients.

  1. The RSVP Process : How to “Sell” Your Experience and Skills in an Efficient Manner

The RSVP process is the first chance you get to tell the health care partner about how your experience and knowledge would be a good fit with the opportunity they’ve posted. How can you best communicate why you should be involved in an engagement? Read our guidelines for short yet informative responses.

Use this resource if you need some help framing your patient experience or if you’d like to make your writing more concise.

  1. Bonus! Glossary

Health care terminology is not always the most straightforward. What does that acronym stand for? What does that word mean in this context? Our glossary is just the tool to help you understand any unfamiliar terms. Read over the whole thing or look up only certain words when you need them. It even looks great on your phone, which makes it easy to look up terms in real-time at an engagement opportunity or at the doctor’s office.

Use this resource whenever you need!

If you have ideas for future resources, let us know!

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!