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Categories: News & Events, Patient Voice Mail
We’re thrilled to introduce you to someone new who will be supporting patient engagement across BC! We asked them some questions to give you all an idea of who they are and why they were drawn to work in patient engagement.
Chelsea Hochfilzer is PVN’s new manager. Her focus will be on building PVN to be the best it can be for health care and patient partners.
- What drew you to this role?
The opportunity to contribute to the incredible work of patient and health care partners across the province, and to create new possibilities together. I feel so lucky to be joining this community in its special 10th anniversary celebration year! - What interests you in patient engagement?
Engaging patients, families, caregivers and the public is essential to achieving high-quality care. With strong and diverse relationships among all partners in care, we can anchor services on the needs, values and goals that matter most to people. - What are your hopes for patients, families and caregivers’ involvement in improving health care in BC?
It continues to grow and be strengthened at all levels of the system and in communities across the province! To be gifted and entrusted with people’s precious time and experiences is a privilege and a responsibility that we must continue to honour. - Tell us one thing about yourself that your passionate about, outside of your role with us?
The performing arts! In its many forms, though I have a special love for dance. The human body, spirit and story are amazing things.
Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team