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Because your voice matters.

Word in the Network: Partnerships for Improvement

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Categories: Patient Voice Mail

Through important partnerships with organizations in BC and across Canada, the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council and patient partners have been working together on projects that support meaningful involvement of all voices in health care. We’re highlighting a few in this edition of “Word in the Network.”

Diversity Learning Exchange Steering Committee
In summer 2018, a team from the Council and PVN Patient Partner Alison Dennis joined the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement Diversity Learning Exchange (DLE) Steering Committee. A learning exchange was held in Ottawa in 2019 that brought together patient engagement leaders and patient partners from across Canada to consider diversity in patient engagement methods and develop common principles to promote inclusion in engagement initiatives. As a result of this exchange, a DLE Framework Report, worksheet and learning resources were developed.
We’re proud to represent organizations from across Canada who worked to create these resources which support diversity and inclusivity in patient engagement efforts.

The Rural Coordination Centre of BC Wellness Summit
Staff from the Council and patient partners participated and facilitated the Wellness Summit in late June. Patient partner John Grogan submitted this brief overview:

“I was fully immersed in the BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit. With many streams to choose from, it was not unlike picking a river channel – not knowing what to expect, but expect but knowing we would all join in the main sooner or later.
We were invited to join our community groups that looked for consensus on what we wished to explore from a variety of related topics:

  • Virtual care
  • Transportation
  • Team-based care
  • Cultural safety and humility
  • Addictions and overdoses
  • COVID-19

This is just the beginning of important conversations about these topics and others.”

Re-Integration of Family Caregivers as Essential Partners in a Time of COVID-19
The Council, along with patient partners Claire Snyman and Alison Kooijman, had the opportunity to lend their experience and voices to the recommendations for re-integrating family caregivers as essential partners in care during COVID-19.
Led by the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI), the goal is to help hospitals that are revisiting their policies to move forward and reintegrate family caregivers as essential partners in care. CFHI convened a Rapid Response Expert Advisory Group composed of clinicians, health care system leaders, hospital CEOs, legal/bioethics experts, public health experts and patient, family and caregiver partners from across the country. They reviewed the evidence, considered the pandemic context and identified the following key steps:

  • Ensure a foundation of patient- and family-partnered care
  • Revisit policies on family presence with patient, family and caregiver partners at the table
  • Distinguish between family caregivers who are essential partners in care and visitors
  • Consider the needs of people who face specific risks without the presence of family caregivers as essential partners in care
  • Take a comprehensive, balanced approach to assessing risks
  • Establish a rapid appeal process
  • Increase the evidence to guide decisions regarding family caregiver presence

This report creates a foundation for teams to work towards an inclusive environment, recognizing the critical role patients, families and caregivers play in the health care system.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Lucie Neliba

Patient Partner, Surrey

Lucie Neliba

The Patient Voices Network has connected me to a community with the same drive to bring person- and family-centred care to the forefront. I am grateful for all opportunities I have been a part of thanks to PVN, which positively impacts patients like my sister and their caregivers. No matter how small, all patient engagement will help shape the future of health care and that I can stand behind