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Because your voice matters.

PVN Spotlight: Oversight & Advisory Committee (O&A)


Categories: Patient Voice Mail

An Oversight and Advisory (O&A) Committee helps guide our work to support meaningful partnerships between patients and health care teams, with the focus of improving health care services in BC.

Each month in Patient Voice Mail, we will be highlighting important takeaways from these discussions for you and invite you to read more about their work on our website.

We hope that you will find this information useful and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Christine Wallsworth

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Christine Wallsworth

Patient and family partners should not be a check box on research proposals! They need to be involved right from the start. I know patient and family partners are doing their part by providing their knowledge to researchers from their lived experience.  It’s a win-win for us to work together through PVN to make sure our input drives improvements.