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Because your voice matters.

Patient Partner Experience: Attending an Engage to Improve Workshop


Categories: My Experience

A retired public health nurse from Esquimalt, Margaret Scott-Peters became a patient partner to share her experience and knowledge to keep improving BC’s health care system. She attended the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council’s Engage to Improve: Creative Solutions for Working Better Together workshop on June 5 and wrote a blog post about her experience. Read on!

We gathered for the workshop in an ideal-sized room of the Sandman Inn, in Victoria. The facilitators were excellent, making the day informative and fun! Through a series of interactive exercises and games, we were able to move around the room and meet the other participants.

The exercises were designed for health employees to use in their teams whether they are frontline or managerial staff. Our name tags were just names with no position designation, which is a great inclusive intent to involve all voices…I was never shy to participate!

Now in retirement for more than a decade, I found the day stimulating and informative. The handout material was easy to follow and can be used in a variety of ways. Many thanks to PVN and the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council for this opportunity to participate!

About the workshop

A hit amongst the learning opportunities offered by the Council, the Engage to Improve workshop teaches participants to use a series of seriously fun and engaging facilitation techniques in their meetings, training sessions and presentations. These techniques allow teams to move past tricky problems or long-standing issues by inviting everyone to think creatively and focus on opportunities for innovation.

Learn more about the workshop.

Be the next patient partner to attend a workshop!

The Council is sponsoring several patient partners to participate in workshops and other learning opportunities across the province. If you’d like to be one of them, watch your inbox for our weekly Engagement Opportunities Newsletter or check our website to learn more about new opportunities and RSVP. Right now there are two spots available in a Data-Driven Improvement workshop taking place in Kelowna, and many more opportunities to come!

Author: Margaret Scott-Peters

From Our Community

Laura Parmar

Physician Quality Improvement Coach — Northern Health

Laura Palmer

It has been so rewarding to go from an idea to working with such a great group of dedicated people from so many different organizations towards a very fun and rewarding project. Several extremely engaged PVN members expressed interest in being part of piloting a patient virtual care peer support system. I am confident that this is the beginning of many more exciting collaborations!