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Check Out These New Learning Opportunities for Patient Partners

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Categories: News & Events

We’re excited to announce that the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, which administers PVN, will be sponsoring 60 patient partners to attend two amazing learning opportunities over the next few months. The sponsorship is one of several measures the Council has been taking to increase capacity in our network, and we’d like to invite you to be one of our sponsored patient partners!

IHI Open School Basic Certificate in Quality & Safety

Learning Opportunities.IHI Open School Basic Certificate in Quality & Safety.Patient Voices Network

Offered by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)’s Open School, the  Basic Certificate in Quality & Safety provides essential training and tools on several topics directly related to improving health care. This course will help participants acquire important knowledge and skills in improvement methods, change measurement, patient safety improvement, data interpretation, adverse events response and much more. The certification involves a total of 13 online courses grouped together into separate lessons that can be completed at different times.

A total of 25 patient partners will be sponsored for this opportunity. Learn more about the certification and RSVP.

San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training

Learning Opportunities.San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training.Patient Voices Network

Cultural safety and humility are essential concepts in patient engagement, and we’ve been working hard on developing them throughout our network. The San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training is a unique online training program designed to enhance self-awareness and strengthen the skills of those who work both directly and indirectly with Indigenous people. In this training, participants will examine culture, stereotyping, and the consequences and legacies of colonization. The training also covers terminology, diversity and aspects of colonial history such as Indian residential schools and Indian Hospitals. After completing this training, you will be able to help foster a climate where the history of Indigenous peoples is recognized and respected to provide appropriate care and services without discrimination.

We’ll sponsor a total of 35 patient partners for the San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training. RSVP to be one of them.

Can’t go to classes? No worries!

All the classes are online and self-paced: you can attend them whenever works for you, without worrying about commuting, extra expenses or finding a sitter for the kids.

We will reserve a portion of the seats for patient partners in each region, and anticipate that all attendees will complete the training by August 2019. If you have any questions or would like more information, just leave a comment here, send us an email or contact your local engagement leader directly.

From Our Community

Christine Wallsworth

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Christine Wallsworth

Patient and family partners should not be a check box on research proposals! They need to be involved right from the start. I know patient and family partners are doing their part by providing their knowledge to researchers from their lived experience.  It’s a win-win for us to work together through PVN to make sure our input drives improvements.