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Because your voice matters.

Member, Quality Management Committee



Commitment: Short-term

Connection method: Virtual

Open to Interior Region


Volunteer Opportunity
Are you interested in patient safety? The Quality Management Committee is looking for an Aboriginal patient partner to attend a monthly meeting and provide a patient perspective.


Lead Organization/Department
Interior Health – Medicine & Quality

The Quality Management Committee establishes and articulates the vision for quality and patient safety. We want to make sure our plan includes a culturally safe perspective. The role of the patient partner is to ensure that an Aboriginal perspective and experiences of care are considered in every aspect of the committee’s work.

Level of Engagement
This opportunity is at the level of collaborate on the spectrum of engagement. The promise to you is that the health care partner will work together with you to formulate solutions and incorporate your advice and recommendations into the decisions to the maximum extent possible.

• Experience with quality improvement and/or patient safety
• Strategic thinking
• Comfortable sharing your experiences from your perspective
• Preference will be given to a patient partner who self-identifies as Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, Inuit)

• Number of patients: 1
Location, date, time and frequency:
– Monthly meeting from 8:30am to 12:30pm
– Due to COVID-19 all meetings are being held remotely
– Meetings are anticipated to continue over a year
– There are currently 17 members on the committee and you will be joining 3 PVN members

Reimbursement for travel (mileage as per IH policy); parking. To be reimbursed approximately 30 days after the meeting.

The QMC establishes and articulates the vision for quality and patient safety on behalf of the Senior Executive Team. QMC sets the clinical service strategy; identifies clinical innovation (new/improved); establishes and provides recommendations on and monitors the implementation of IH’s Quality & Patient Safety Plan; and provides oversight of organization‐level measures related to quality improvement and patient safety.

The patient partner will provide their lens and feedback on clinical service strategies and innovation; provide recommendations regarding the implementation of the Interior Health (IH) Quality & Patient Safety Plan; and provide oversight of organizational measures for quality improvement and patient safety.

Terms of Reference.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Carol Stathers
Engagement Leader, Patient and Public Engagement | Interior Region

From Our Community

Terri McKinlay

Patient Partner, Penticton

Terri McKinlay

The Patient Voices Network has provided Rylee and me the ability to channel our experience into positive change for others. Our voice in decision making, planning and partnerships for mental health care is having a profound impact on our healing process.