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Because your voice matters.

Panel Member, Essential Imaging Webinar – BC Patient Safety & Quality Council

Posted • Last updated


Commitment: Long-term

Connection method: Virtual

Open to Provincial Region

Last updated

Volunteer Opportunity
Knowing when medical imaging is needed takes a combination of provider knowledge and patient education. If you are a patient partner who has felt you needed medical imaging that wasn’t provided, or someone who was provided medical imaging and it didn’t lessen your symptoms, please share your experience with health care partners across BC through an essential imaging webinar.


Lead Organization/Department
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council

• To increase the number of times a patient is provided the right test at the right time through exploring the experience, from the patient perspective, of the current state.
• Patient partners will share their experience with medical imaging with the hopes of informing how to increase the appropriate use of imaging for both patients and providers.

Level of Engagement
This opportunity is at the level of consult on the spectrum of engagement. The promise to you is that the health care partner will listen to and acknowledge your ideas and concerns, and provide feedback on how your input affected the decision.

Open to volunteers from across the province who:
Have experience with wanting medical imaging performed and not being satisfied with the process, or outcome
Are from a rural part of BC and had to travel for scans, and
Feel they were over-imaged by physicians and it didn’t lead to lessening symptoms

• Vacancies: 3-5
Date/Time: Thursday, April 29th, Pre-meeting 11am-11:45am, Webinar 12:00-1:30pm
Commitment: One half day, with some reading prior

No expenses are anticipated. However, we are always seeking to understand and reduce barriers to participation. If you meet the eligibility and would like to be considered for this opportunity, but have concerns about your ability to participate, please contact Jami Brown – to see if there are support options possible.

This webinar is designed to empathize and explore inappropriate medical imaging in family medicine and emergency departments from the patient perspective. Our hope is to collaborate with providers on ideas to improve inappropriate medical imaging.

Studies conducted in Canada suggest wide variation in rates of inappropriate medical imaging, ranging from 2% to 24%. In some cases, the delivery of these services is inappropriate or even unnecessary. For patients, inappropriate tests and treatments have limited utility and potentially expose them to harm such as additional testing, unnecessary radiation exposure, and lead to investigation of false positives and unnecessary anxiety. Also, inappropriate services result in a waste of system resources, avoidable costs, and contribute to longer wait times. Essentially, “there is no benefit to inappropriate imaging.” We define ‘appropriate medical imaging’ as having the right test at the right time for the right reason.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Jami Brown | BA, MAPC (she/her/hers)
Engagement Leader
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council

From Our Community

Lucie Neliba

Patient Partner, Surrey

Lucie Neliba

The Patient Voices Network has connected me to a community with the same drive to bring person- and family-centred care to the forefront. I am grateful for all opportunities I have been a part of thanks to PVN, which positively impacts patients like my sister and their caregivers. No matter how small, all patient engagement will help shape the future of health care and that I can stand behind