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Because your voice matters.

Participant, Contributing Patient Perspectives on the Impact of Patient Engagement

Posted • Last updated

Deadline: Open until filled

Open to Provincial Region,  Patient partners within BC

Last updated

Our patient engagement environment has shifted due to the ripple effect of COVID-19 and we have heard in a recent PVN survey that your passion for patient engagement continues with a desire to focus and contribute. The survey results indicated a high interest in learning about stories of patient engagement impact. PVN is excited to work with you in bringing these stories to life! PVN will soon be inviting patient partners to participate in a working group to explore how we can best harness and share stories of impact in a sustainable and meaningful way. Currently, PVN has a bank of impact stories shared by health care partners who have closed the loop on their engagements. We would like to enhance this story bank with patient perspectives on the impact of patient engagement. As a precursor to the upcoming working group, PVN would like to hear from you. Have you been involved in an opportunity through PVN that had some really interesting outcomes? Work with us as we collect stories which demonstrate the powerful impact of patient engagement.

Open to: Patient partners within BC


Lead Organization or Department

BC Patient Safety & Quality Council


The overall aim of this opportunity is to create an initial bank of patient engagement impacts from the patient partner perspective for sharing through a variety of PVN communication channels. This is a call for expression of interest and brief summary of your impact story. Those who express interest will receive follow-up communication to determine a suitable format for sharing your complete impact story. Formats may include blogs, newsletter articles, interviews, virtual presentations and more. You will receive support from our team in sharing in the format you are most comfortable with. BC Patient Safety & Quality Council staff will be responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions from respective health health care partner leads.  

Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of involve on the spectrum of engagement. The promise to you is that the health care partner will involve patients in planning and design phases to ensure ideas or concerns are considered and reflected in alternatives and recommendations.


  • Interest in sharing patient engagement stories of impact related to work you have been engaged in
  • Have completed a PVN orientation and signed the PVN volunteer agreement


Number of vacancies : Unlimited Location, Date, Time and Frequency:
  • This is an initial call out for expression of interest. Please watch our upcoming opportunities for an invitation to join a working group that will focus on elements related to sustaining on-going input and sharing of patient engagement impacts.
  • Once the deadline for expression of interest has passed, you will be contacted by a member of our Patient & Public Engagement team for next steps


There are no reimbursable expenses associated with this opportunity.


The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council is committed to ensuring that all the programs and services it supports provide opportunities for meaningful involvement of patient partners. In our administration role for Patient Voices Network, our team is committed to increasing those opportunities so that the Network reflects a true partnership between health care and patient partners. To make that happen, we recognize the value in having patient partners work with the Council team to ensure our resources and processes are co-created and meet the needs of those using them.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Carol Stathers
Engagement Leader, Patient and Public Engagement | Interior Region


This opportunity will be open until it is filled.


From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!