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Because your voice matters.

Patient Partner Preparation – Patient Partners

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Thank you for expressing interest in an upcoming engagement opportunity – successful engagement involves planning and preparation!

The preparation session is held prior to Patient Partners (PP) participating in an engagement opportunity. This is usually done by teleconference but may also be done in-person, and usually takes about 30 minutes.

This is a chance for the Health Care Partners (HCP) and PPs to meet, review information, set the scope and expectations, and provides an opportunity for PPs to ask questions. It is also another opportunity for everyone to identify if the PPs are a fit for the initiative, have the requisite experiences and for the PPs to decide if this meets their expectations and they want to be involved.

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Preparation session:

The preparation session is held prior to you confirming and participating in an engagement opportunity. This is a chance for the Health Care Partners (HCP) and PP to meet, review information, set the scope and expectations, and provides an opportunity for PPs to ask questions. It is also another opportunity for everyone to identify if the PPs are a fit for the initiative, have the requisite experiences and for the PPs to decide if this meets their expectations and they want to be involved.

 Topics covered:

  • Introductions: The HCP will introduce themselves and the initiative, and PPs will introduce themselves and briefly explain why they are interested in this opportunity.
  • This is the time to learn: What additional background information do PPs need? Who else is involved? What to expect at the meeting(s)? Is there any reading material (agenda, minutes from previous meetings)?  What is the PP’s role on the team? Is the information discussed considered confidential?
  • Logistics: Do you have all the information you need to participate, such as date, time, location, parking, coverage of expenses?
  • Review Health Region policies: e.g. no scent policy
  • Provide time for additional questions

 Next steps:

  • Confirm Participation – in some cases, this call is used by HCPs and PPs to decide on best fit. Use this call to confirm who will participate, and please inform the Engagement Leader if not everyone on the call is selected/chooses to join.
  • Planning/Communicating – The HCP communicates directly with the PPs regarding next steps such as meeting details and agenda
  • Ongoing Support – Engagement Leader will check in periodically, feel free to contact if you require additional support or have questions. If at any time a PP chooses to step down or is not a good fit for the group, please inform the Engagement Leader and discuss a replacement
  • Evaluation – You will receive mid and end of term evaluations from our Vancouver office
  • Closing the Loop – HCPs should be sharing outcomes with both the PPs and the Engagement Leader periodically and at completion

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!