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Because your voice matters.

Prioritizing Chronic Disease Research in Rural BC

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Open to Northern Region

Last updated

Chronic diseases research priorities in Northern BC: patients, caregivers, practitioners

Health Areas
Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Rural Health, Cholesterol, Pulmonary Conditions, Blood Pressure, COPD, Colorectal Cancer, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Other General Health , Asthma, Patient-initiated research, Other Bones, Joints, Muscles, Stroke, Other Mental Health , Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes – Prediabetes, Osteoarthritis, Environmental factors, Coronary Artery Disease , Body Weight Control

Study Purpose
Do you live with or care for someone with two or more chronic medical conditions? We want to hear from you about your priorities for health research. A randomly selected portion of the participants who complete the e-survey will be invited to participate in focus groups to gather views on priorities for lifestyle change research. Use this link to participate:

The purpose of this project is to generate research priorities for lifestyle behavior changes such as physical activity, sedentary time or diet, identified by caregivers and adults (19+ years old) diagnosed with chronic diseases, as well as healthcare providers, living and working in northern, rural, and remote BC communities.

North Coast and Nechako

Age: 19 Years – 110 Years Old
Accepting Healthy Volunteers: Yes

From Our Community

Nancy J. Wood

Patient Partner, Sidney

Nancy J. Wood

I was thrilled to discover the Patient Voices Network, where the array of places to be the voice of a patient is vast and incredibly interesting. Besides my ongoing “gig” with the BC Emergency Medicine Network, I have enjoyed being involved in several one-off initiatives. I love working with professionals who genuinely value the perspectives of their patient partners.