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Because your voice matters.

Obesity Prevention from Birth

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Open to Provincial Region

Last updated

Opportunity Purpose
We want to develop and test an educational program of classes for new parents to help them learn some of the important skills that have been shown to support healthy development and prevent future health problems. We think that all parents want to do their best for their babies but there is so much information out there it is hard to know what to believe.

What’s Involved
We are at the early stages of designing these classes and we would like input from both parents of infants / young children as well as people living with obesity or other chronic diseases. Depending on their interests, patient partners could be involved in many stages of the research including helping with designing the program, recruiting participants or evaluating the results.

Health Categories
Other Blood, Heart, Circulation
Other – Child & Adolescent
Body Weight Control
Other Genetics
Other Women’s Health

Age: 18 Years – 80 Years Old

From Our Community

Laura Klein

Clinical Practice Consultant in Fraser Health

Laura Klein

Seeking the patient perspective doesn’t have to be complicated; it simply entails a commitment to ask and listen. Patient advisors not only bring a valuable perspective but also share original ideas and unique skills. Including the patient and family perspective changes the conversation and aligns the team’s focus towards common goals.