Patients and families as partners in detecting the deteriorating patient condition


A webinar designed and facilitated by patient partners When things go from bad to worse, everyone has a role to play to ensure patient safety. Family members are a vital part of the healthcare team and are often best positioned to recognize the sometimes subtle, yet very important changes in their loved one's condition that […]


Information Session: Become a Patient Surveyor


Accreditation Canada (AC) is currently recruiting patient partners/advisors interested in becoming patient surveyors. This is a great opportunity for patient partners to network with other patient partners and health care professionals to broaden their skills.


Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Recurrent Fracture


This webinar highlights a patient-oriented research team’s project to address a gap in osteoporosis care identified by patients and health providers. Dr. Sonia Singh brought together a group of leaders, health care providers and patients from Fraser Health to develop a health care model that would prevent additional breaks in patients admitted to hospital with an initial fracture. Results were so impressive that local decision-makers have found a way to fund the program on a permanent basis.


Peer-to-Peer Webinar Series: Success Stories in Evidence-Informed Decision Making (Webinar #1)


There are many examples of evidence-informed decision making (EIDM) among public health professionals and organizations in Canada. However, these stories aren't always shared within the public health community. The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) seeks to address this gap with an interactive, peer-led webinar series featuring a collection of EIDM success stories […]
