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Because your voice matters.

Strategic Plan & Impact Reports

We believe working together leads to better health care services and we’re committed to sharing regular updates about our plans and the progress of our partners towards improving health care in BC. We do this through:

Strategic Plan: Health Quality BC’s strategic plan sets out our goals and priorities, and is created through consultation with our partners in communities and organizations across British Columbia.

Impact Reports: Each year, impact reports highlight stories of the work HQBC does to improve the quality of health care in BC and advance the patient’s voice.

Past Annual Reports

From Our Community

Christine Wallsworth

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Christine Wallsworth

Patient and family partners should not be a check box on research proposals! They need to be involved right from the start. I know patient and family partners are doing their part by providing their knowledge to researchers from their lived experience.  It’s a win-win for us to work together through PVN to make sure our input drives improvements.