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Because your voice matters.

Demystifying Concurrent Disorders For Patients And Families: The Webinar Series

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April 28, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

In April 2016, BC’s Provincial Health Officer declared the first-ever public health emergency following an unprecedented increase in fatal overdoses. The province’s drug toxicity crisis now continues into its seventh year, with over 2,272 lives lost in BC alone last year.

Join us for a special edition of the webinar series to unpack the everchanging landscape of drug poisonings, emerging issues, and lessons learned from working in overdose prevention. The panel features the voices of lived experience and clinical best practice in the harm reduction field.

For more info, click here.

When: Friday, April 28, 2023
2:00-3.30pm PST



April 28, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

From Our Community

Laura Klein

Clinical Practice Consultant in Fraser Health

Laura Klein

Seeking the patient perspective doesn’t have to be complicated; it simply entails a commitment to ask and listen. Patient advisors not only bring a valuable perspective but also share original ideas and unique skills. Including the patient and family perspective changes the conversation and aligns the team’s focus towards common goals.