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Because your voice matters.

Virtual Care & Access: Patient Advisory Committee

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Open to Provincial Region

Last updated

Patient Perspective: Does virtual care improve access to health care?

Opportunity Purpose
Virtual care is when a patient receives direct care from their doctor or a health care provider via telephone, video, or even a text or email. Virtual care was not widely available to most British Columbians until the COVID-19 pandemic started. This research project seeks to understand whether virtual care improved access to health care for British Columbians. The patient perspective in understanding this is crucial.

Patient partners will be given an opportunity to participate in several ways:
1. to complete a brief survey and submit it via email;
2. have a one on one interview with the researcher via telephone; or
3. participate in a patient advisory committee via telephone or video conference to discuss the research questions as a group. A summary of findings with be shared with patient partners to verify accuracy.

Age: 14 Years – 100 Years Old

From Our Community

Laura Parmar

Physician Quality Improvement Coach — Northern Health

Laura Palmer

It has been so rewarding to go from an idea to working with such a great group of dedicated people from so many different organizations towards a very fun and rewarding project. Several extremely engaged PVN members expressed interest in being part of piloting a patient virtual care peer support system. I am confident that this is the beginning of many more exciting collaborations!