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Because your voice matters.

Brown Bag Lunch – From Cumulative Impacts to Co-Benefits

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October 28, 2021 @ 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

From Cumulative Impacts to Co-Benefits: Why engaging Intersectoral Partners on the Health Impacts of Resource Development offers pathways to a healthier future for northern BC

Decades of evidence have established that large extractive projects impact the social, economic, and cultural determinants of health for resource-based communities throughout rural Canada. In Northern British Columbia, the economic benefits of mining and pipeline construction can be accompanied by significant pressures on social infrastructure, economic instability, and increased crime rates. This presentation explores how the Northern Health Authority and the Environmental Community Health Observatory (ECHO) Network have been partnering to understand and respond to these impacts.

Our presentation shares new ways our team has been engaging Intersectoral Partners on the Health Impacts of Resource Development, and how these lessons can also enhance preparedness for other complex public health issues. Our team will share insights gained from developing accessible tools to translate complexity to a broad audience of stakeholders: community leaders, policy-makers, regulatory bodies, and industry proponents. We will also discuss how Northern Health and the ECHO Network are using Knowledge Translation tools to strengthen awareness of complex determinants of health in Impact Assessment, and in policy discussions for related challenges such as health and climate change.

This webinar will introduce the partnership between Northern Health and the ECHO Network, and the learning across sectors and disciplines that has enhanced how Knowledge Translation tools are being used to communicate the interactions of social, economic, and cultural health determinants to stakeholders in the context of BC extractive projects. We will also describe next steps in using and refining these Knowledge Translation tools as the topic of extractive projects and impacts to health determinants continues to expand in public health dialogues.

Teleconference :1 877-385-4099 Passcode: 8353420#
WebEx https://innovationdevelopment.webex.comMeeting
Password: brownbag



October 28, 2021
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

From Our Community

Nancy J. Wood

Patient Partner, Sidney

Nancy J. Wood

I was thrilled to discover the Patient Voices Network, where the array of places to be the voice of a patient is vast and incredibly interesting. Besides my ongoing “gig” with the BC Emergency Medicine Network, I have enjoyed being involved in several one-off initiatives. I love working with professionals who genuinely value the perspectives of their patient partners.