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National Volunteer Week is from April 24 – 30 – let’s take a moment to reflect on the great work that patient partners have contributed over the years and send them all a huge thank you! We’ve gathered special thank you messages from across the province to share.
It’s important that engagement opportunities are meaningful for both health care and patient partners. To support this, we’re pleased to share the new Health Care Partner Commitments which was created with input from health care and patient partners who participate through PVN.
In March 2021, we launched our new PVN website designed to connect, learn about and share the impact of partnerships to improve health care in BC. We’re taking a look at how we can continue to make it even better.
Last summer, we kicked off a deep dive into what and how we monitor and evaluate when it comes to Patient Voices Network activity. We know it’s important for everyone involved in patient engagement efforts to reflect on and make note of what is working well, what could be improved and what’s happening as a result of patient and public participation in health system improvement.
Eliminating anti-Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) racism and promoting cultural safety and humility is a high priority across our health system. Find ways to expand your learning!
Continued learning is a great perk of being a patient partner with the Patient Voices Network. We asked past participants about their experience at IHI's Open School.
The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, which administers PVN, is renewing its strategic plan and wants to know how you think quality of care can be improved in our province.
In the fall of 2020, a Palliative Care - Partners, Services and Transitions Shared Care project was created in the North Okanagan. The goal of this work was to develop a new model of palliative care and define future processes that better support persons, families and caregivers in their journeys.
I moved to what is now known as Canada a little over two years ago. Until then, I lived all 27 years of my life in one place. Actually two, but in the same region of the same country. As a child, I had the opportunity to learn English and…
I was thrilled to discover the Patient Voices Network, where the array of places to be the voice of a patient is vast and incredibly interesting. Besides my ongoing “gig” with the BC Emergency Medicine Network, I have enjoyed being involved in several one-off initiatives. I love working with professionals who genuinely value the perspectives of their patient partners.
Health Quality BC administers the Patient Voices Network. Using evidence-informed strategies, the Council shifts culture, improves clinical practice and advances person- and family-centred care to support high-quality care for every person in our province.