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Because your voice matters.

Obstetric Patient Education Advisory Committee



Open to Provincial Region


Opportunity Purpose
We want to produce a series of short, informative videos about different topics in preparing for labour and delivery in a Fraser Health Authority hospital. We are seeking patient input for ideas on what topics would be most relevant and helpful to cover in these videos. Advice on the format and best ways to navigate through the list of videos is also sought.

What’s Involved
We would like to involve patient partners in helping to develop content for informational videos to lower mainland women prepare for labour and delivery. Specifically, we need help determining which topics are most relevant, specific questions women may have, and the best online format for the series of videos.

Health Categories
Health Technology
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Reproduction and Sexual Health
Virtual Health

Age: 18 Years – 50 Years Old

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!