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Because your voice matters.

Improve Mental Health Research



Open to Provincial Region, Patients partners across the province


Improve Mental Health Research for immigrant, refugee, ethnic/racialized Canadians:

Our aim is to plan and develop a culturally safe framework for engaging immigrant and refugee patients in mental health research. We want to work with patient partners to develop a culturally safe framework for future training on how to meaningfully include immigrant and refugee patients in Patient Oriented Research (POR). We will also develop a plan for a POR project together, such as a summary report that can be shared with the community.

More Information:

What’s Involved:
The patient partner will join a research team and provide consultation on factors that shape and or promote cultural safety. This will include up to five research team meetings that will occur over UVic’s secure Zoom subscription and/or by phone.

Health Categories:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Mood Disorders
Other Mental Health

Age: 19 Years – 65 Years Old

More info here.

From Our Community

Shannon Griffin

Leader, Patient and Family Centred Care in Fraser Health

Shannon Griffin

Recently, a PVN Patient Advisor asked healthcare partners, “What are we learning from patients, families, and others thus far during this pandemic?”. This is an excellent question and one to ask ourselves daily.