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Because your voice matters.

The Rural Voices Gathering 2024



Commitment: Short-term

Connection methods: Virtual, Hybrid

Open to Provincial Region


The Rural Voices Gathering will take place from November 20 to 27, co-hosted by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), First Nations Health Authority and Health Quality BC.

The province-wide event will bring together and amplify the voices of rural, remote, First Nations and Métis communities in British Columbia relative to:
The Rural and Remote Health Strategy being developed by the BC Ministry of Health
Transportation for health services 
Education and training for health care providers in rural communities 
Hybrid health care including peer-to-peer virtual support, in-person and virtual patient consultations 

In 2020, RCCbc gathered people from across the province for The BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit, a two-day virtual summit which saw over 900 participants bring their perspectives to 57 community partnership tables.

This fall, the Rural Voices Gathering will provide an opportunity to reflect and review progress, explore the current context and move forward together. 

Read more.

The Rural Voices Gathering will include two virtual sessions, held on November 20 and 27 at 8:30am-12:00pm, with in-person community discussions happening between these virtual dates. 

From Our Community

Christine Wallsworth

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Christine Wallsworth

Patient and family partners should not be a check box on research proposals! They need to be involved right from the start. I know patient and family partners are doing their part by providing their knowledge to researchers from their lived experience.  It’s a win-win for us to work together through PVN to make sure our input drives improvements.