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Because your voice matters.

Reviewer, Access to Short Stay Beds Policy, Interior Health Authority



Commitment: One-time

Open to Interior Region


The goal of this project is to update the Interior Health Policy regarding access to short stay beds, in order to provide transparent information to the public and to facilitate safe care.

We are looking for patient partners to review the policy and make suggestions to help ensure it is easy to understand and contains information important to patients.

The format to provide feedback may be either written (via email), by telephone, or through a virtual meeting. The feedback can be provided at a time convenient for the patient partner, prior to September 18, 2024.

Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of Consult on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.


  • Specific health care experiences [details below]
  • An interest in improving health care services
  • The time to participate in the engagement opportunity
  • Experience receiving care in a short-stay bed (convalescent, respite or hospice/palliative care) or have a family member who has received care in a short-stay bed.

Patient Partners ARE NOT required to be PVN members to participate in this engagement opportunity.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Ashley Horner
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Home Health, Home Health Transformation | Interior Health Authority
(250) 517-7128

From Our Community

Derek Koch

Spiritual Health Practitioner and Patient- and Family-Centred Care Lead — Kelowna General Hospital

Derek Koch

The bottom line is because we’re caring for patients. People who know best are those who are receiving the care so it makes logical sense that we would consult with them about their experiences. By connecting with PVN we have been able to educate our teams about the value of patient partners and how important their perspective is in our services.