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Because your voice matters.

Regional Civility Matters Tour – Patient Focused Poster Campaign



Commitment: Short-term

Connection method: Virtual

Open to Interior Region


Physicians in Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and Kamloops are collaborating to host a regional Civility Matters tour for all hospital staff, to highlight the importance of civil behavior and the impacts it can have on workplace wellbeing and patient safety.
Our planning committee is interested in having a poster campaign for patients and families about the importance of civility and how they play a part in cultivating civility in the health care system. We are also interested in hearing other ways in which patients feel we can help educate and partner with them about the importance of co-creating a culture of civility in health care.

In order for our patient partners to understand the importance of civility, we would like to invite them to attend one of the four sessions being held in the four hosting communities Vernon, Penticton, Kamloops, and a full day event in Kelowna. While it is not necessary to be located in one of these regions, ability to travel to one would be very helpful.

The majority of the work with designing the poster will be done virtually via Zoom. There will be approximately 4 virtual meetings, each an hour long.

In order for our patient partners to understand the importance of civility, we would like to invite them to attend one of the four sessions being held in the four hosting communities (Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Kamloops), and the full day event in Kelowna. While it is not necessary to be located in one of these regions, ability to travel to one would be very helpful.
The majority of the work with designing the poster will be done virtually via Zoom.

Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of Involve on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.


  • Willing & comfortable to share health care experiences in a group setting
  • Specific health care experiences [details below]
  • Have access to technology and the internet to participate in the engagement opportunity
  • Comfortable using technology to attend online/virtual meetings
  • An interest in improving health care services
  • Experience as a patient or caregiver, especially in the emergency department setting.

Patient Partners ARE NOT required to be PVN members to participate in this engagement opportunity.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Sarah Sunderland
Physician, Physician Leadership | Interior Health Authority
(250) 868-5200

From Our Community

Lisa Dyck

Former Manager, BC Emergency Medicine Network

Lisa Dyck

PVN patient partner’s feedback has reinforced the important relationships between patients and providers for emergency care. Our partnership with PVN has brought many new opportunities to adjust how health care and patient partners can work together on BC Emergency Medicine Network priorities.