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Because your voice matters.

Provincial Allied Health Strategic Plan Advisory Network



Commitment: Long-term

Connection method: Hybrid

Open to Provincial Region, Patient partners across BC


To provide advice/recommendations to the Allied Health Policy Secretariat (AHPS) to advance the Ministry of Health strategic direction related to the allied health workforce (e.g., BC’s Health Human Resources Strategy; Allied Health Strategic Plan) in addition to new and emerging allied health workforce and health system priorities that require focused action and continuous improvement across the following areas: education and training; recruitment and onboarding; retention; and professional practice (role/scope optimization).

The selected Patient Partner will provide consultation and advice related to the BC Allied Health Strategic Plan and sit on an advisory network of other key health system partners

• Strengthen the allied health workforce in BC and support system transformation and continuous improvement.
• Provide strategic input and oversight of the implementation and evaluation of actions within the Allied Health Strategic Plan.

The PAHSPAN is responsible for advising the Ministry of Health on matters related to allied health education and training, recruitment and onboarding, retention; and professional practice (role/scope optimization), in accordance with the Provincial allied health definition.

PAHSPAN Terms of Reference

Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of Consult on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.


  • Willing & comfortable to share health care experiences in a group setting
  • Comfort with public speaking
  • Previous committee/working group experience
  • Comfortable using technology to attend online/virtual meetings
  • An interest in improving health care services

Patient Partners ARE required to be PVN members to participate in this engagement opportunity.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Trystan Jones
Policy Analyst, Allied Health Policy Secretariat | Ministry of Health
(778) 256-6047

From Our Community

Nancy J. Wood

Patient Partner, Sidney

Nancy J. Wood

I was thrilled to discover the Patient Voices Network, where the array of places to be the voice of a patient is vast and incredibly interesting. Besides my ongoing “gig” with the BC Emergency Medicine Network, I have enjoyed being involved in several one-off initiatives. I love working with professionals who genuinely value the perspectives of their patient partners.