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Because your voice matters.

Planetary Health Steering Committee



Commitment: Long-term

Connection method: Virtual

Open to Fraser – Vancouver Coastal


Fraser Health has identified planetary health as an important area of focus, and has developed a Planetary Health Strategy to guide our work over the next 5 years.

A Planetary Health Steering Committee has been established to guide implementation of the strategy. We are seeking patient partners to provide the patient voice on this Committee.

We are seeking up to 2 patient partners who have health care experiences to be part of the Steering Committee for 1 year. We are looking for people who have a passion for protecting the environment. The Steering Committee meets monthly (usually the 3rd Wednesday at 1:00 – 2:00) via Teams.

Planetary Health refers to how our health and well-being is entirely dependent on a healthy planet. The interconnection between humans and our planet means that things like reducing pollution, protecting animal habitats, and preserving our natural resources like forests and clean water are important to ensure both humans and the planet both thrive.

The Planetary Health Steering Committee is a large group composed of partners from across Fraser Health. Teams involved include Population and Public Health, Communications, Indigenous Health, Evaluation and Research Services, Energy and environmental Sustainability, Medicine, Mental Health Substance Use, Long Term Care, Professional Practice, Clinical Quality and Patient Safety, Facilities Management, Primary Care, Pharmacy, Food and Nutrition Services, Digital Patient and Provider Experience, Commercial Services, Risk Management, and Centre for Advanced Analytics, Data Science, and Innovation (CAADSI).

Fraser Health Planetary Health Strategy

Short Video about Planetary Health

Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of Consult on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.


  • Comfortable using technology to attend online/virtual meetings
  • The time to participate in the engagement opportunity
Patient Partners ARE NOT required to be PVN members to participate in this engagement opportunity.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Laura Klein Clinical Practice Consultant, Professional Practice | Fraser Health (604) 613-6598

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!