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Because your voice matters.

Island Health Code Hack 2025



Commitment: Short-term

Connection method: In-person

Open to Vancouver Island Region


Code Hack is an initiative of Island Health’s Innovation Lab. Since the event first launched in 2019, it has helped translate creativity, innovation and energy into real-world solutions. Code Hack brings together patients, Island Health staff, physician partners, industry experts, coders, builders, designers and students who put on their thinking caps and compete against the clock – and each other – to find innovative ways to solve health-care challenges.

Island Health is looking for 100 people to participate in a “hackathon” and generate fresh ideas and approaches. Once participants have formed small working groups and made their pitches, they have 24 hours to create and design innovative solutions. This may result in an app, a care pathway, signage, a website or a resource for a treatment room. Anything goes – the participants get to decide!

If you aren’t tech savvy, don’t worry – Code Hack is designed for people of all abilities who share a common goal of improving health care. Applicants don’t have to work in health care and there is no cost to participate. More information and applications are available at .


Level of Engagement

This opportunity is at the level of Collaborate on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.


  • Willing & comfortable to share health care experiences in a group setting
  • Comfort with public speaking
  • Have access to technology and the internet to participate in the engagement opportunity
  • An interest in improving health care services
  • The time to participate in the engagement opportunity
Patient Partners ARE NOT required to be PVN members to participate in this engagement opportunity.

Health Care Partner Contact Information

Liz Hietkamp Manager, Innovation Lab, Innovation Culture and Experience Design | Island Health (250) 732-4537

From Our Community

Ovey Yeung

Patient Partner, Vancouver

Ovey Yeung

Being involved in the Patient Voices Network has broadened my understanding of the system and helped me empathize with health care challenges and limitations. What matters to me is to walk away feeling that my experience matters, that I matter!