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Public Consultation: Block Fees

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Open to Provincial Region

Last updated

All physicians and surgeons who practise medicine in the province must be registrants of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (“the College”). The College’s main responsibility is to protect the safety of patients by ensuring registrants practise medicine to the highest standards.

At times, physicians or surgeons may offer patients the option to pay a “block fee,” which is a fee that covers multiple uninsured services over a period of time. The College is interested in hearing from BC patients about their experience with paying block fees for services that are not covered by the province’s Medical Services Plan (MSP), also known as uninsured services.

From Our Community

Cherie Mercer

Patient Partner, New Aiyansh

Cherie Mercer

I have learned so much about innovation and capacity building by being part of PVN. I signed up to build my leadership skills, however, I experience benefits for myself, my community and Indigenous peoples throughout the province. I understand more about the complexities and opportunities required to improve health care.