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Because your voice matters.


A PVN Patient Partner will attend a conference in Orlando, Florida. Read about what she’s looking forward to!

Since joining PVN in early summer 2016, Edwina Nearhood has participated in many engagement opportunities. In this guest blog post, she tells us why she’s looking forward to attending the National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care: “I was put in contact with PVN after I had a less then desirable experience over several months for the treatment of a long-term chronic health care issue. As a result of my experience, I decided to, in Ghandi’s words, ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’

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Quality Awards 2017 – Cheers to Our Awarded Patient Partners!

Created by the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council in 2009, the Quality Awards celebrate individuals, teams and facilities that significantly improved the quality of care in BC. This year, four individuals and four projects were recognized for their exceptional contributions to all areas of care in the province, from preventing illness and injury to providing care at the end of life. The individual-based awards each recognize the impact that a single engaged person can have in transforming culture and care. We are blessed to see that every day in the amazing work of our patient partners. And that’s why we were extremely proud – but not at all surprised – to see Delia Cooper and Carolyn Canfield, two long-time PVN Patient Partners, chosen by the judges as the winner and the runner-up of the Leadership in Advancing the Patient Voice award, a brand new category created to celebrate patient engagement.

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What It Feels Like to Be an Engagement Leader with PVN

Jami Brown, engagement leader for the Fraser Valley region, joined PVN in February and has been having amazing experiences with patient partners ever since. She wrote about them in this blog post, in which she also introduces the beautiful story of Bob and Kimberly Strain, a father and daughter duo who volunteer together.

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Welcome to PVN’s New Online Home!

Welcome to PVN’s new online home! We’re excited to see how it helps us recruit new patient and health care partners, and how it will help us support their efforts to improve British Columbia’s health care system, together.

Continue reading… Welcome to PVN
Meet our Volunteers: Fran Banks

We're ready to begin telling the stories of our patient and health care partners! Our first 'Meet our Volunteers' blog post introduces you to Fran Banks, a PVN Volunteer from White Rock.

Continue reading… Patient Voices Network: Meet our Volunteers: Fran Banks and her daughters

From Our Community

Lucie Neliba

Patient Partner, Surrey

Lucie Neliba

The Patient Voices Network has connected me to a community with the same drive to bring person- and family-centred care to the forefront. I am grateful for all opportunities I have been a part of thanks to PVN, which positively impacts patients like my sister and their caregivers. No matter how small, all patient engagement will help shape the future of health care and that I can stand behind