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Because your voice matters.


Welcome Teresa Bissenden!

We recently welcomed a new face to the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council. Say hello to Teresa Bissenden, who has joined the Council as the Director of Patient & Public Engagement – the team which supports PVN! 

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How I became a Patient Partner

Our second guest blog post for National Volunteer Week is from patient partner Chad Dickie. In this piece, Chad discusses the importance of using your voice to make a difference and explains how patient perspectives can contribute to positive changes in the health care system.

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Happy Volunteer Week!

It’s National Volunteer Week from April 15 – 21, and we’d like to take this time to recognize all of you who volunteer in our health care system! We’ve accomplished so much this year, but we couldn’t have done it without the hard work of our patient partners. Thank you for all that you do to improve health care in BC!

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“What Matters to You?” Has Launched!

On April 11, the Council hosted a virtual kick off for“What Matters to You?” This kickoff featured incredible speakers, an overview of how the initiative began, and explained how you can spread the word and get involved. In case you weren't able to attend, we've put together a recap of the event right here!

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Providence Health Care is Ready to Celebrate Patient Experience Week!

Patient Experience Week is just around the corner, and Providence Health Care is gearing up to celebrate the health care staff, volunteers and members of the community that impact the patient and family experience! If you’ve been a part of their efforts, make sure to attend their appreciation event on April 26th!

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From Our Community

Shana Ooms

Executive Director of Primary Care Strategy, Policy and Quality — BC Ministry of Health

Shana Ooms

Where those of us in the room may have debated policy or wording, patient voices made sure patients were top of mind. And as a result, significant improvements were made to simplify something that was otherwise complex. Patient voices at the table bring us back to reality in terms of what we are trying to achieve.