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New Westminster Public Library
716 6th Avenue, New Westminster, BC, Canada
February is Psychology Month! Join Dr. Rosa Wu, Registered Psychologist, for a talk on Emotional Self-Regulation. Learn about emotions and the purposes that they serve. Emphasis will be placed on what emotional self-regulation is and the skills associated with it.
A study that examined perceived barriers to health care access for urban Indigenous people revealed that the three most frequently reported barriers were: substandard quality of care; long wait times; and experiences of racism and discrimination. These barriers, some of which are common complaints among the general population in Canada, were interpreted by participants in unique ways rooted in experiences of discrimination
and exclusion that stem from the settler colonial context of the nation. Through the lenses of cultural safety and ethical space – frameworks developed by international Indigenous scholars in efforts to better understand and improve relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the context of settler colonialism – this study offers an understanding of these barriers in light of the specific ways that colonialism intrudes into Indigenous clients’ access to care on an everyday basis.
Family Caregivers of British Columbia is seeking people who can listen with compassion and who have caregiving experience or knowledge of family caregiver issues and concerns. This training will provide you with information about the peer support group model, and the skills and techniques for facilitating a caregiver support group. For more information please email lyciarodrigues@familycaregiversbc.ca […]
New Westminster Public Library
716 6th Avenue, New Westminster, BC, Canada
Join the Harm Reduction team from Fraser Health for this informative, hands-on workshop. You'll learn the latest facts and figures related to overdoses in the Lower Mainland, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an overdose and eligible members of the community will be provided free naloxone kits to take home.
This training will provide you with information about the peer support group model, and the skills and techniques for facilitating a caregiver support group.
Interested in learning more about the meaningful and active engagement of patients, family members and caregivers in health care decisions to improve the quality of care for all? Join us for an online four-part Patient Engagement Learning Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM every second Wednesday of the month starting in February! Presenters: Jami Brown, […]
Interested in learning more about the meaningful and active engagement of patients, family members and caregivers in health care decisions to improve the quality of care for all? Join us for an online four-part Patient Engagement Learning Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM every second Wednesday of the month starting in February! Presenters: Cathy Almost […]
Interested in learning more about the meaningful and active engagement of patients, family members and caregivers in health care decisions to improve the quality of care for all? Join us for an online four-part Patient Engagement Learning Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM every second Wednesday of the month starting in February! Presenters: Cassy Mitchell, […]
Interested in learning more about the meaningful and active engagement of patients, family members and caregivers in health care decisions to improve the quality of care for all? Join us for an online four-part Patient Engagement Learning Series from 12:00 – 1:00 PM every second Wednesday of the month starting in February! Presenters: Kira Tozer […]
Hyatt Regency Vancouver
655 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Quality Forum is the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council's annual conference that brings together British Columbia’s health care community to share and discuss how to improve quality across the continuum of care.
Join the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) British Columbia Chapter for a session where patient partners and project leaders will speak firsthand about how the principles of patient engagement have been applied to health care projects across British Columbia.
Health Quality BC administers the Patient Voices Network. Using evidence-informed strategies, the Council shifts culture, improves clinical practice and advances person- and family-centred care to support high-quality care for every person in our province.