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Because your voice matters.

PVM September Theme: Resources to Learn and Grow

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Categories: Building Skills, Patient Voice Mail

As fall approaches and it’s back-to-school time, there are a number of amazing opportunities for you to increase your skills and knowledge of authentic patient engagement and health care approaches. This week we’re focusing on resources available to you, some of which are new and some are a good reminder from past Patient Voice Mail newsletters.

Note: this is not an exhaustive list, and you can find more resources here.

  1. Careful and Kind Diabetes Care
    Webinar (UBC Therapeutics Initiative) – BC

    Join the UBC Therapeutics Initiative as they are joined by Dr. Victor Montori, a passionate advocate for the patient voice, to connect with patients and caregivers through this webinar to discuss diabetic care and shared decision-making:
  1. Six Ways to Incorporate SMS into Your Engagement Strategy
    Bang the Table – USA and Canada
    Inviting input via SMS (Short Message Service i.e. text) can kick off a consultation that fosters rapport and creates trust and buy-in for your engagement process. Bang the Table shares some great tips on incorporating some SMS strategies into your engagement plan:
  1. Introducing Patients to Virtual Care
    Doctors of BC – BC

    This short 3-minute video was developed in collaboration between PVN and Doctors of BC to provide patients with a high-level introduction to the virtual care experience and how a virtual care visit could look from the patient’s perspective.
  1. Building a Safer System Documentary
    Canadian Patient Safety Institute – Canada

In celebration of the second annual World Patient Safety Day, watch the premiere of Building a Safer System – a documentary on the impact the Canadian Patient Safety Institute has had over the past 17 years:

  1. Engaging Between Projects
    Bang the Table – International
    Bang the Table’s Practice Lead Anthea Robinson-Shaw hosts a discussion on the benefits of continuous engagement beyond agenda-driven projects. Here are some useful resources to help you move your engagement planning beyond the project:

  1. Beyond inclusion: Equity in Patient Engagement
    SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue – Canada
    This report proposes eight principles to guide the meaningful and equitable inclusion of diverse voices when planning and implementing public engagement initiatives that will inform decision-making processes: 
  1. Staying Well in Uncertain Times
    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – Canada
    The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council (BCPSQC) partnered with CMHA by having a Zoom meeting with patient partners to gain feedback and answer questions. Please find the recording of the session here: /resources/staying-well-in-uncertain-times-may-4-2020-webinar/
  1. Engaging with Patients and Families by Creating a Virtual Advisory Council
    Nemours – USA
    An interesting look at how one children’s hospital has been working to transition their patient and family advisory group into a virtual platform: 
  1. What is Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC)?
    Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) – Canada
    VBHC is becoming a leading approach to improving patient and health system outcomes around the world. It is one way of organizing health care to transform health outcomes. VBHC is about linking the dollars spent to outcomes that matter to patients, rather than to the volumes of services, processes or products that may or may not achieve those outcomes. Read more about VBHC here:
  1. COVID-19: Social Visitation Essentials
    SafeCareBC – BC
    SafeCareBC has developed some social visitation essentials for British Columbians that highlight the important elements in a care home or assisted living residence.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Pamela Jessen

Patient Partner, Langford

Pamela Jessen

The Patient Voices Network allows me to engage and educate others on various health-related topics. By sitting on various committees and taking part in many activities, I can create real change in health care for everyone. It’s so empowering!