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Because your voice matters.

Word in the Network: A Seat at the Table

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Categories: Patient Voice Mail, Working Together for Better Health Care

BC Rural Citizens Perspective Group

After several months of planning, the inaugural meeting of the Rural Citizens Perspective Group (RCPG) was held on July 28. The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, which administers PVN, BC Rural Health Network and Rural Coordination Centre of BC worked in partnership to form the RCPG. This group will bring the voice of the community-citizen-patient to the Rural Partners Representative Committee which meets quarterly to discuss ways to address the following four priority topics:

  • Co-creating culturally safe and humble primary care
  • Designing, planning for and implementing Team-Based Care
  • Increasing citizen and community involvement in health care transformation processes
  • Improving access and transitions for patients in rural and remote communities

Read more about the RCPG here.

PVN Working Groups

The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council and patient partners continue to work on improving PVN’s operations. Here is a brief summary of some of the work happening:

  • Indigenous Inclusion Working Group – In partnership with the First Nations Health Authority, this team discussed personal learnings during COVID-19, creating a deep sense of connection between all participants. The team debriefed the last meeting and discussed the importance of introductions, taking time to build relationships and have now moved forward with the first half of the registration process which includes checking the cultural safety of the form.
  • Orientation Working Group – The group analyzed the evaluation data, reviewed current materials and will be conducting deep-dive evaluations with over 20 patient partners. Once the interviews are completed, the team will identify the next steps.

“What Matters to You?”

High-quality health care starts with asking what matters so that you do what matters. Whether it’s in-person or virtually, “What Matters to You?” reinforces a commitment to working together for care tailored to the needs of patients. During COVID-19, we know that your provider-patient relationships have changed. We want to hear about it! Share your stories with us using the hashtags #WMTYBC.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Agnes Black

Director, Health Services & Clinical Research and Knowledge Translation – Providence Health Care

Agnes Black

It’s really hard to make changes in health care. When a PVN patient partner says, ‘This is important to us’ it keeps us grounded on why a change is needed and keeps us motivated to keep going on projects.