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Because your voice matters.

This Week’s Top 5 Resources


Categories: Patient Voice Mail

Many organizations are creating resources and tools to support patient engagement – we’ve collected five examples that we think are good engagement reads made in BC, nationally and internationally.

NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list, nor is it an endorsement of specific resources or 0pinions. Please continue to get your most up-to-date COVID-19 information at

  1. Decision-Making Flow Chart
    Delaney & Associates – BC
    Delaney & Associates created a flow chart to help you think about what’s next as people and organizations decide to deliver patient engagement opportunities virtually.
  1. PlaceSpeak Online Consultation Tool – BC
    COVID-19 presents a new set of public challenges that need to be tackled geographically. PlaceSpeak’s mission has been to connect people to place online, making it possible to engage people in an evidence-based, reportable way. They have made their platform free of charge during this time.
  1. Guide for Advance Care Planning in the Time of COVID-19
    BC Centre for Palliative Care – BC
    This step-by-step guide supports British Columbians to plan for their future health care needs in the time of COVID-19. The guide includes an accompanying information sheet about the potential benefits and harms of life-support treatments that may be offered in critical illness from COVID-19.
  1. BC’s Restart Plan
    Province of British Columbia – BC
    BC’s Restart Plan lays out a series of steps to protect people and ensure that the province can come back from COVID-19.
  1. Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Pathways Project
    BC Support Unit – BC
    The Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Pathways Project is focused on learning what competencies (defined as knowledge, skills, attitudes and attributes) are needed by individuals on POR research teams. They have developed self-assessment tools that guide patient partners and researchers to assess their readiness to engage in POR and to find online learning resources to acquire competencies.

Author: the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council team

From Our Community

Karla Warkotsch

Patient Experience Consultant – Interior Health

Karla Warkotsch

The question I like to ask health care employees is ‘Who is this for?’ and ‘Do we have the right people at the table?’ As a health care employee, I see how easy it is to fall into doing for, rather than doing with patients. The voices of the patient, family and caregiver are essential to ensure the patient is central to the direction and focus of the work being done.