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Because your voice matters.

Meet Our New Oversight & Advisory Committee Patient Partner Representatives!


We’re thrilled to announce that the new patient partner representatives have been selected! See who they are and learn more about how they were selected.

After posting the opportunity for new patient partner representatives from the Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland to join our Oversight & Advisory Committee in October 2019, we were happy to see several patient partners express their interest in participating. It’s always great to read everyone’s ideas for improving our network and health care across the province!

The selection process

New Oversight & Advisory Committee members are chosen by a selection panel consisting of two members of our Patient & Public Engagement team and two PVN members. This time, the PVN members on the selection panel were Cindy Charleyboy and Pamela Jessen.

The candidates were shortlisted based on their responses to the RSVP form and asked a standard set of questions by the selection panel members. The final decision was based on the candidates’ interview answers, their responses on the RSVP form, and diversity considerations such as experience and age.

“We’re so excited to welcome our new Oversight and Advisory Committee members! Each one of them brings not only their lived experience but energy and passion for improving health care for all British Columbians.”
Tammy Hoefer, Director, Patient & Public Engagement

Meet the new Oversight & Advisory Committee patient partner representatives

We recruited three new patient partner representatives to replace outgoing committee members whose terms had come to an end. See who the new representatives are and learn about their hopes for PVN:

Joe BringJoe Bring
Joe lives in the Fraser Valley and has been a PVN member since 2018. He joined the Oversight & Advisory Committee because he believes that, as a former patient and a parent of children who have gone through mental, emotional and physical issues, his insights and experiences could help improve health care delivery. “I see PVN as an effective way to involve current and former patients in the discussions with other practitioners and administrators,” he adds.

For the next few years, Joe hopes PVN will help improve the health care system, not only by easing challenges faced by patients but also by helping their caregivers, family and friends to be more effective in speeding up the recovery process and promoting overall wellness.

Beverley Pomeroy
Bev lives in Ladner and joined PVN two years ago. She has been a patient partner/family advisor for almost a decade with Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, and is one of the co-hosts of the SPORcast podcast. She joined the committee to help drive meaningful change to health care programs and policies in BC, and hopes PVN will continue to provide valuable insight into how to build a sustainable health care system in the province.

Vikram Bubber
Vikram lives in Surrey, joined PVN about four years ago and has been a patient advocate for over 30 years. He joined the committee to share his experience and make the health care system better for everyone who uses it, and he hopes PVN will amplify the patient voice and get patients to be seen and heard at the same level as health care executives.

Our heartfelt thank you to our outgoing committee members

We’re very thankful to our outgoing representatives Kimberly Strain, Lin Chen and Sunaina Sharma for dedicating their time, knowledge and experience to ensuring that patient voices are included in all our    initiatives and operations, and that patients’ advice and recommendations are considered in all activities.

Follow the committee’s work

We regularly post updates about the Oversight & Advisory Committee’s meetings on our website and in our Patient Voice Mail newsletter. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know by messaging us on Twitter and Facebook, sending us an email at or calling us at 604.668.8240.

From Our Community

Shana Ooms

Executive Director of Primary Care Strategy, Policy and Quality — BC Ministry of Health

Shana Ooms

Where those of us in the room may have debated policy or wording, patient voices made sure patients were top of mind. And as a result, significant improvements were made to simplify something that was otherwise complex. Patient voices at the table bring us back to reality in terms of what we are trying to achieve.