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Archive: April 2019

Looking for Self-Care Ideas? Here Are 45!

As we mentioned in our post about how to create a self-care plan, a good self-care strategy can involve physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social aspects. They influence each other and our general well-being, so it’s essential to balance activities. If you often feel like you prioritize some areas and neglect others, it may be time to reevaluate and add new self-care ideas to your list!

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How to Create a Self-Care Plan

Now that you learned  how to get started on self-care, it’s a good time to start creating your self-care plan. It consists of identifying what makes you feel good, how to do more of those things and how to cope if you go through a crisis. Read on to find out how to create your plan!

Continue reading… how to create a self care plan
Take Care of Yourself! Here Are Seven Tips to Get Started

Happy Patient Experience Week! We want to thank all of you who volunteer your time to improve health care in BC. Volunteering is a selfless act and we know that it can sometimes take a toll on patient partners, especially when it involves sharing personal experiences. That’s why we’ll be publishing a series of posts about self-care this week, as caring for yourself is not only very important for your own health and well-being, but it also helps you care for others too!

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Successful Partnerships: A Patient Partner’s Experience in Health Research

We’re celebrating National Volunteer Week 2019 and thrilled to see all the amazing results of patient partners’ work across the province! One of them is Lisa Ridgway, from Victoria, who is participating in patient-oriented research to help improve mental health care in BC. Read her post to learn more about her experience.

Continue reading… Lisa Ridgway working with Dr. Raquel Romay-Tallon on the biomarkers project in Dr. Caruncho's lab at UVIC.2019