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Because your voice matters.

A Year of Stories: Our Five Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018


As the months fly by and we plan blog posts in 2019, we looked back to discover the most popular posts over the past year. It turns out you were really interested in the experiences of our patient and health care partners.

Take a look at our five most popular blog posts in 2018 and catch up if you missed any of them:

1) Patient Partner Perspective: Modelling Indigenous Systems of Care

Popular blog posts 2018

Our patient partner Cherie Mercer’s experience as a volunteer in a rural northern Indigenous community was a hit! She wrote about her presentation at the International Patient- and Family-Centered Care Conference, in June, and the importance of the Indigenous perspective in health care. Read Cherie’s blog post.

2) Patient Partner Perspective: Eric Gubby Relates His PVN Experience to his Aerospace Career

Blog posts 2018Have you ever wanted to participate in an engagement opportunity but were afraid of not having enough experience in health care? Well, Eric Gubby’s interview about how his aerospace career relates to his volunteer work with PVN shows how every experience, in any industry, is important to improve health care in BC. Check it out; it may be just the encouragement you were looking for!

3) Health Care Partner Perspective: Bringing Patient Voices into Health Technology

Popular blog posts 2018.Selva Bayat.Health TechnologyOur blog also regularly features posts written by our health care partners – including this one, about health technology. Selva Bayat works with the Health Technology Assessment Team, an independent academic centre contracted by the BC Ministry of Health, and she wrote about how new technologies are adopted within BC and the role patient engagement plays in their provincial expansion.

4) How I Became a Patient Partner

Popular blog posts 2018.Chad DickieWhat made you decide to become a patient partner? Chad Dickie wanted to share his lived experience as a First Nations man, a patient, a caregiver and someone living with a manageable chronic disease. Since signing up in 2017, he has participated in several engagement opportunities, such as committees, conferences and workshops, and learned a lot from all of them, as he details in this blog post.

5) A Patient Partner’s Perspective of Quality Forum: Impressions by Don Grant

Popular blog posts 2018.Patient Voices NetworkDon Grant was one of the 20 patient partners sponsored by the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council to attend Quality Forum 2018 in Vancouver. He wrote about his experience during the conference and an amazing story he heard from a nurse which he’ll always remember as an example that, along with the appropriate application of medical science, successful treatment means listening to the patient’s voice. Read Don’s blog post.

We’d like to thank Cherie, Eric, Selva, Chad, Don and all the other patient and health care partners who wrote blog posts for us over the past year. We’re thrilled to learn more about your experiences, perspectives and hopes for health care in BC! And If you, too, would like to write a blog post or suggest topics for us to write about, just leave a comment here or send us an email at we’re always looking forward to hearing from you!

From Our Community

Shana Ooms

Executive Director of Primary Care Strategy, Policy and Quality — BC Ministry of Health

Shana Ooms

Where those of us in the room may have debated policy or wording, patient voices made sure patients were top of mind. And as a result, significant improvements were made to simplify something that was otherwise complex. Patient voices at the table bring us back to reality in terms of what we are trying to achieve.